The first season of the Euro T20 Slam, which was scheduled to take place in 2020, has now been rescheduled to 2021 due to the ongoing pandemic.

League Promoter Mr. Prashant Mishra spoke on behalf of the Euro T20 Slam:
“We have been working hard behind-the-scenes with the Boards, sponsors and franchise owners to be in a position to launch our inaugural season. We also had several positive conversations of late with broadcasters around various parts of the world that would have given the event a truly global reach. We know the interest is there from the broadcasters, and the commitment is there from the organisers and sponsors – but the reality is that the risk profile was too large for 2020, and we are all conscious of our responsibility in helping to reduce the risk of spreading the virus.”
“All stakeholders were seeking a level of certainty that we couldn’t currently provide in terms of the pandemic, travel and quarantine conditions, and availability of players to participate given the varying restrictions on movement around the world.”
“We want to offer the cricketing public a competition that is truly world-class – in playing talent, production value and experience. The Board, as a result, agreed that a 2021 start may provide a greater opportunity to achieve this. Our long-term commitment to the concept remains undimmed, but we believe this is the only sensible option in the circumstances. The signs are positive for the future of the event and our business partners have remained supportive throughout.”
Warren Deutrom, Chief Executive at Cricket Ireland, also gave his statement.
“We had been discussing in recent weeks alternative arrangements to get the competition started – single venue, reduced team and player pool, a shorter competition – and, given the speed with which we set up the Tri-series between the three Boards in Dublin last September, we felt confident to leave the decision as late as possible to give ourselves the best chance to make it work. However, we have now run out of road, particularly with the Irish Government’s recent decision to delay the next stage of relaxing its restrictions to August 10th and the Slam Board reluctantly reached the conclusion that the uncertainty caused by the pandemic and compromises being made to the original objectives did not make it a viable start in 2020.”
“Prudent measures had to be taken, as to proceed now – only to have to pull the plug later due to a resurgent pandemic or unfavourable changes in playing or travel conditions – would risk the feasibility of the project. By making this decision now, the Board has reduced all parties exposure to risk and – speaking from a Cricket Ireland perspective – removed any financial exposure at a time when financial headwinds are already a challenge.”
“I believe we have made, and will continue to make, decisions that give the concept the best chance to succeed, including being prudent in not proceeding if the circumstances aren’t right. The three participating cricket boards have also made it clear that the competition must deliver on the original objectives of providing high-quality cricket experiences for our players – that is the reason we set out on this road initially. Even if it takes until the third time of asking, we still very much believe in the viability, purpose and interest in a European T20 franchise concept, and will continue to do our best to bring it to fruition.”